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How to clean and charge crystals?

Crystals highsoul life reiki

Cleansing and charging crystals, is an essential practice to maintain their energetic purity and effectiveness. Here’s how you can do it:

Cleansing Crystals:

Cleansing Method Crystals

Cleansing is the process of removing any accumulated negative energy or impurities from the crystals. There are various methods to cleanse crystals, and you can choose the one that resonates with you:

  1. Water Cleansing:
    Some crystals can be cleansed under running water (preferably natural sources like rivers or streams). Hold the crystal under the water, visualizing the negativity being washed away. Be cautious, as not all crystals are suitable for water cleansing, so check their compatibility.
  2. Salt Cleansing:
    Bury your crystals in a bowl of dry sea salt, Himalayan salt, or a mix of salt and baking soda. Leave them buried for several hours or overnight. Afterward, rinse the crystals under running water to remove any salt residue.
  3. Smudging:
    Pass your crystals through the smoke of sacred herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar. Visualize the smoke purifying and cleansing the crystal’s energy. Make sure to allow the smoke to envelop the entire crystal.
  4. Selenite Cleansing:
    Place your crystals on or near a selenite charging plate or stick. Selenite has a powerful cleansing and charging effect on other crystals.
  5. Sound Cleansing:
    Use sound vibrations from a singing bowl, tuning fork, or a bell to cleanse your crystals. Hold the crystal near the source of sound and let the vibrations clear its energy.
  6. Moonlight Cleansing:
    Leave your crystals under the light of the full moon overnight. The moon’s energy will cleanse and charge them.
  7. Visualization:
    Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize a bright white light surrounding it, cleansing and purifying its energy. Trust your intention and intuition during this process.

Charging Crystals:

Charging crystals Highsoul

Charging crystals infuses them with new, positive energy and aligns them with your specific intentions. Here’s how to charge your crystals:

  1. Sunlight Charging:
    Place your crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours, preferably during the morning. Visualize the sunlight filling your crystals with positive energy and intentions. Be cautious with crystals that may fade or become brittle in direct sunlight.
  2. Moonlight Charging:
    Leave your crystals under the light of the full moon overnight to charge them with the moon’s energy. This is especially effective for enhancing intuition and emotional healing crystals.
  3. Intention Setting:
    Hold the crystal in your hands and set your intention clearly and specifically. Visualize your intentions infusing into the crystal. You can say a positive affirmation or chant while holding the crystal.
  4. Crystal Grid Charging:
    Create a crystal grid with your crystals, arranging them in a geometric pattern that aligns with your intention. Place a central crystal in the grid to amplify the energy.
  5. Reiki or Energy Healing:
    If you’re a Reiki practitioner or energy healer, you can channel positive energy into your crystals by holding them during a healing session.
  6. Affirmation Charging:
    Write down your intentions on a piece of paper and place your crystals on top of it. The written words carry your intention into the crystals.

Remember that the specific method you choose may depend on the type of crystal and your personal preferences. Trust your intuition and intention throughout the cleansing and charging process, and your crystals will be ready to support you in your spiritual and energetic journey.

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